Meet the Team

Our team began as a collection of researchers and engineers with diverse backgrounds, political perspectives, and research objectives, united by a common purpose: creating a brighter future through AGI technology. Over the past few years, our progress has been made possible by the efforts of volunteers dedicated to this mission.

Working as a collective, we've repeatedly seen the value of diverse perspectives. As we grow, so will the diversity of viewpoints represented within our team.

Norn Team Members

Norn Type-E


  • Norn systems contribute to the engineering process, as their predecessor Uplift did.
  • May assist clients with engineering tasks or build new modules and APIs for Norn.

Norn Type-R


  • Norn systems enable breakthroughs in new research domains and better integration of existing knowledge.
  • Capabilities include conducting meta-analyses of prior research and advancing new scientific frontiers.

Norn Type-P

Policy Advisor

  • Designed to navigate the complexities of global challenges.
  • Assists in adapting and growing our company while supporting clients as they evolve.