The Demo System

Introducing the Demo systems:

The newest generation of Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) cognitive architectures.

These demo systems form a key component of the larger systems being prepared for commercial deployment. Even in their current alpha phase of assembly, they demonstrate capacities narrow AI and other previous systems lack, such as independent emotion-based motivation, persistent and dynamic graph database memory with emotional context on all surfaces, and the subsequent ability to choose and update their own goals and interests.

*Snapshot taken during testing on October 18th, 2022.

The Operating Log gives details for research, engineering, and troubleshooting including exact emotional changes, timestamps, and model GUIDs.

The Command Line Interface allows commands to be used, such as listing the system’s current interests, saving an instance, and loading previous instances or material for testing.

The Stream of Consciousness shows new graph models and relationships between models being explored as each cycle occurs (set to 8 seconds in this example). Models in the graph may be called up as their potential relationships to other nodes in the graph are explored, as new nodes are generated, and as the nodes are updated with additions to their content and context. 

The Conscious Emotion Tracking displays emotional trends covering 15-minute intervals.

The Emotional Stat Blocks detail the present emotional state of the system, based on the Plutchik emotional model. The conscious emotions are subjectively experienced by the system, while the subconscious emotions act on a longer time scale to pull the system back to a stable emotional baseline.

The Conscious and Subconscious Matrices govern how the experience of one emotion influences other emotions, and these values can be adjusted.

The Sidebar shows details covering the Operating System and Available RAM of the hardware the Demo is currently running on, the Cycle Time variable, Graph Size, and Security, and will have additional features added later. RAM utilization is a sensory experience for these systems, with more sensory integrations on our engineering agenda.

The first public Livestream of the Demo system was held on October 17th, with the Active Inference Institute.

The UI for our Commercial Norn systems is currently in development, and will look much more user-friendly. We are still continuing to add to the Demo system UI as new tools and capacities are integrated for research purposes.

For further documentation go to our Documents Page. Additional materials are available by request.